Record of Merit (ROM/ROMX) Program Rules
Record of Merit (ROM)
ROM I Sire - 10 titled offspring from one category only: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance
ROM II Sire - 17 titled offspring from one category only: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance
ROM III Sire - 25 titled offspring from one category only: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance
ROM I Dam - 5 titled offspring from one category only: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance
ROM II Dam - 7 titled offspring from one category only: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance
ROM III Dam - 10 titled offspring from one category only: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance
Record of Merit Excellent (ROMX)
ROMX I Sire - 10 titles: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance - Must have at least one title from each category
ROMX II Sire - 17 titles: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance - Must have at least two titles from each category
ROMX III Sire - 25 titles: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance - Must have at least three titles from each category
ROMX I Dam - 5 titles: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance - Must have at least one title from each category
ROMX II Dam - 7 titles: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance - Must have at least two titles from each category
ROMX III Dam - 10 titles: Conformation, Obedience/Rally or Performance - Must have at least three titles from each category
Titles Recognized
- Only AKC titles will be honored as listed below.
- Acceptable titles for progeny: Progeny may only count one conformation title, one obedience title, one rally title and one performance title per area (one agility or one herding). For instance, you may count a CD or a CDX, but not both. At most, a dog can contribute the following: CH, CD or CDX, RA or RE, NA or NAJ, and one accepted herding title (see list of qualifying titles). Titled ILP or PAL dogs may not be counted as progeny.
Applicable AKC Titles
Conformation (1 per dog)
- CH - Champion
- GCH - Champion
Obedience (1 per dog) - Obedience Category
- CD - Companion Dog OR PCD - Preferred Companion Dog
- CDX - Companion Dog Excellent OR PCDX - Preferred Campion Dog Excellent
- UD - Utility Dog OR PUTD - Preferred Utility Dog
- UDX - Utility Dog Excellent OR PUDX - Preferred Utility Dog Excellent
Rally (1 per dog) - Obedience Category
- RA - Rally Advanced
- RE - Rally Excellent
- RAE - Rally Advanced Excellent
Agility (1 per dog) - Performance Category
- NA - Novice Agility OR NAP - Novice Agility Preferred
- NAJ - Novice Jumpers with Weaves OR NJP - Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred
- OA - Open Agility OR OAP - Open Agility Preferred
- OAJ - Open Jumpers with Weaves OR OJP - Open Jumpers with Weaves Preferred
- AX - Agility Excellent OR AXP - Agility Excellent Preferred
- AXJ - Excellent Jumpers with Weaves OR AJP - Excellent Jumpers with Weaves Preferred
- MX - Master Agility Excellent OR MXP - Master Agility Excellent Preferred
- MXJ - Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves OR MXJP - Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves Preferred
Herding (1 per dog) - Performance Category
- HS - Herding Started, any course and/or stock
- HI - Herding Intermediate, any course and/or stock
- HX - Herding Excellent, any course and/or stock
- HC - Herding Champion
Please follow these directions for applying for ROM and/or HOF status:
- Applications for a ROM award must be filled out on the MASCUSA Record of Merit Application Form.
- Fill out the entire form, indicating clearly for which awards you are applying.
- Application must be accompanied by an AKC Progeny Report (available from AKC's online store).
- Applications that are not legible, or are missing one of the required components, will not be accepted.
- Emailed applications will be not accepted.
- Only Applications from MASCUSA members in good standing will be accepted since these programs are for MASCUSA members only. In the case of co-owners, only the applicant must be a MASCUSA member in good standing.
- Certificates will be awarded accordingly. All applications will be processed as they are received. Once approved, ROM awards will be published in the next issue of the Tuesday Talk.
To apply for the Record of Merit Program, submit the Record of Merit (ROM/ROMX) Application.
Approved by the MASCUSA Board of Directors April 13, 2021.