Registration FAQ
The breed known as the Miniature Australian Shepherd was accepted into the AKC in June 2011 with the new name of Miniature American Shepherd.
Closing of the AKC Stud Book for the Miniature American Shepherd
The AKC Miniature American Shepherd stud book will be closing officially on January 1, 2025. Until that time, there will be a two-phased plan to ensure that as many dogs as possible that are eligible to be registered with AKC through SDRS are registered.
This plan does not affect any AKC to AKC Miniature American Shepherd litters. They are still registered through AKC.
This pertains to those owners who have received or can receive puppy individual dog recording applications for their litters through SDRS. These litters must be born before June 30, 2024 and their litter applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than August 1, 2024.
Most importantly, if you have provided puppy individual dog recording applications to puppy buyers, these registrations will become void if they are not postmarked or emailed to SDRS by December 15, 2026 or to AKC directly by January 1, 2027.
Possible Litter Matings
AKC MAS to AKC MAS litters are still registered through AKC.
AKC MAS to any approved registry, as seen on Stock Dog Registry Services, must follow the phased plan below to get their dogs registered with AKC.
Approved registry dogs to approved registry dogs must follow the phased plan below to get their dogs registered with AKC.
Please visit Stock Dog Registry Services for a list of all approved registries.
Litters - Phase 1
We will continue to accept litter applications for puppies that are whelped on or before June 30, 2024.
No litter application for any puppies whelped after the June 30, 2024 date will be accepted.
All applications for litters must be postmarked or emailed to SDRS by August 1, 2024 or they will not be processed.
Individual Registrations - Phase 2
This is for dogs from our current accepted registries and dogs who have been issued puppy papers.
Deadline: Individual Registry Applications must be postmarked or emailed on or before November 15, 2024 in order to meet the AKC deadline.
Anyone who has puppy papers issued by SDRS must submit them to SDRS by December 15, 2026 or to AKC directly by January 1, 2027 or the puppy paper will become void.
Deadline to Enroll Individual Dogs in AKC through SDRS
Individual dogs registered with approved registries whose owners want to register their dogs with AKC must submit to SDRS the Application for Enrollment as a Miniature American Shepherds into the AKC along with copies of registration certificates, which must be postmarked or emailed by November 15, 2024.
If you have any questions, please email Traci Phillips.
Registration now through Stock Dog Registry Services ONLY
MASCUSA ended their registry services in 2016 per the agreement with AKC, however, the AKC studbook for this breed remains open. In order to protect the integrity of the stud book and maintain continuity of services, Traci Phillips, our past registrar, established Stock Dog Registry Services, LLC through which all the MASCUSA registry services will be continued.
This includes pedigree verification process for dogs entering the American Kennel Club as Miniature American Shepherds (MAS) as well as registering litters for offspring of various approved registry crosses for Miniature Australian Shepherds that wish to enter the AKC registry.
Stock Registry Services is the only registry selected by MASCUSA through which dogs can be registered with AKC. However, according to the contract between MASCUSA and SDRS, and as done before, only those dogs registered with MASCUSA approved registries will be eligible for AKC registration utilizing SDRS.
SDRS only offers registry services. Memberships and other club related documents will continue to be mailed to MASCUSA and payments for those processes will be made to MASCUSA.
SDRS is a separate entity monies for registry services must be paid to SDRS, and the SDRS forms need to be used. Information and forms may be found on the Stock Dog Registry Services website. PayPal invoice will be sent from Stock Dog Registry Services.
If you have questions please email Traci Phillips or visit the Stock Dog Registry Services website.
Again, please make checks payable to SDRS and mail all registry process to:
Stock Dog Registry Services
PO Box 676
Eustace, TX 75124
MASCUSA BOD approved for posting February 26, 2024.